SGCD with Aries mini, does the Marantz SA8005 alter the digital signal

I wasn’t sure how to title this thread, but that’s basically the start of it.

I just recently acquired a PS Audio SGCD to either supplement my preamp, or replace it for a short time until I likely find another room for the SGCD. With the prices moving around right now I’m not really sure where to start.
My current CD/streaming rig consists of the Aries Mini, into the 8005, then McCormack RLD-1, into a recently ultra modified DNA-1.
As is, the sq is very good, but have been wanting to believe my near-18-19 YO RLD-1 may be the weak link so I wanted to start comparing. My thoroughly modified and upgraded SDA 2.3TL’s respond very favorably to changes and they are running Clarity CMR’s and Path resistors, along with Cardas Litz wiring, so their sonic signature is slightly warm. With all that I thought the SGCD might blend well at it’s price point.

The SGCD actually exceeded my expectations, not overly bright, somewhat smooth and just barely forward sounding in some instances. My thoughts with starting with the SGCD over say the Directstream Sr, including budget, was the 8005 is slightly warm so why not start low and see how the synergy works out.

So I do have one setback as the SGCD needs an upgraded board to accept Linux, that’s a topic for another day, so the Aries cannot at this time send USB to the SGCD.

I tried the coax from the Mini to the SGCD, I’m using a Nordost Silver Shadow and I thought the overall sound was a bit bright and the soundstage was very wide but not deep at all, however very detailed.

Moving to the 8005 feeding the SGCD via coax, using a redbook CD, this was quite enjoyable. The SGCD was very smooth, detailed, and I thought the soundstage was very large but still slightly lacking in depth.I went back to the RLD-1 and this is where it gets interesting, the soundstage depth was immense, almost like walking into a 2nd level portal at an arena and looking into the ball field, there was no boundary on the far edge of the soundstage. Now was this because the RLD-1 may be slightly old and the signal not as clean giving me the impression the soundstage was incredibly deep? The SDA’s already do a wonderful job in creating this huge soundstage, but I felt the RLD-1 was just more rounded and not as oval shaped with the SGCD.
Now the main point of this thread.

Since I cannot stream to the SGCD right now via USB, I tried the Mini to the 8005 via Analysis Plus Purple USB 2.0, then back to the SGCD via the Nordost Silver Shadow, with the RLD-1 removed from the chain.

WOW. Maybe the USB from the Mini is just far superior, and the SGCD just is more detailed than the 8005, but the singers presence, the clarity, warmth, was just way better than I have experienced with just the 8005 as the DAC feeding the RLD-1. Don’t get me wrong, the 8005 into the RLD-1 is very detailed, wide open soundstage, I can hear the subtle sounds of the singer opening their mouth like they are right in front of me, but with the 8005 serving as the in/out of the digital signal, that experience was increased quite noticeably.
Almost sounds like the 8005 has removed some digital glare but I have no idea, I’m very curious to what the 8005 does to a USB input signal before it outputs via coax.
The SGCD still seems very slightly forward compared to the RLD-1 when setup with the 8005 as the IN/out processing, but just very slight. I wish I could hear it right now with the Mini using the USB but I will have to wait.

The analog preamp of the SGCD is actually quite good, that also exceeded my expectations using the 8005’s analog outputs either from a CD or streaming. Slightly lacking detail of the digital input, but all the high notes, cymbal decay, the brass sound of the high hats and rides, were still detailed and easily heard.

So please, any input and criticism is greatly appreciated.
I'm thoroughly confused your feeding the signal to two Dacs consecutively? I've never heard of that before but if it sounds good keep doing it.
Good to read that you are enjoying a Marantz SA-8005 cd player.
Happy Listening!

Sorry to confuse anyone, I'm trying to get the Mini to output through it's USB into the SGCD. To do that, I had to use the 8005 as a pass-through device. This would let the digital signal in and back out via coax.

My question was, does the 8005 do any type of processing to the digital signal in this manner, or just pass it through? Does it do a DA-AD conversion, or no conversion?

It does DD like a Topping D10s.
It shouldn't alter the signal. Neither should an Amanero board but it does.