Shahinian Obelisk vs VandersteenTreo

HI fellow ’goners.
I own the Shahinians, thinking of upgrading to the Treos. The Obelisks sound a little smallish for the room... And the room is not square, it's a big living area of a house, with access to the second floor's roof. 
Will this be an upgrade or just a sideward move?
Room approx 60m2, driven by Musical Fidelity A5.5, 250wpc at 8Ohm (thinking of replacing this one too).
Mostly jazz and acoustic music, less frequently - classical and pop.

Just spent some time at Audio Connection this past weekend.  Had a great time there with Johnny R.  Listened to Vandy 2s, 3A Sigs, & quatro's.  Loved the 3A sigs for their open spacious sound, stepping up to the Qs was another level of sonic bliss.  Fast, dynamic, and wide open.  Loved the powered sub in them.  Ready for another round with Johnny R soon.

Happy Listening.
For me, Hifi Shark is the best place to keep up with used offerings.
That's where I saw the MX-R's
I had the Ayre VX-R Twenty and it is no slouch for sure
i would say any amp Ayre makes is worth trying for sure
Charlie a gifted engineer with ears, RIP brother

i amrunning Richards amp now...... holy S
........ staying up my bedtime listening is my new avocation...

thank God I am retired...
