Shall I add a preamp to my setup?

I newly setup a system with Thiel CS 3.7 speaker, driving my Sim audio Titan 5 channel poweramp, source with Simaudio cd5.3, I am very excited with the 2 channel performance, but it seems lack of warmth of vocal and extension of high, not enough airly extensions, base is fine. I doubt my weakest link is the Sherbourn PT-7010A pre/pro, all the above new gear has pretty much break my bank, I wonder if I should squeeze the rest of bank reserve for a descent 2 channel preamp in order to solve the problem.....the other choice is a better CDP, can someone walked thru the similar path give me some advice?
Thanks Blindjim, replying to my ever first post, good inspiration.

May I know why specific TUBE preamp but solid state? What specific sonic nature do they different to each other?

I find my system is pretty fast (almost too fast), refine, big soundstage, dynamic, I compared to Dynaudio new sapphire, Watt 7, but mine lack extensions of mids and highs and air. Hopefully you know what I describe.
I am pretty lean to add a preamp now after speaking to some friends today, any suggestion for a preamp may work well to my system? Say under $6k.
Just adding some possibly superficial comment...As regards "warmth of vocal and extension" and "high airly extensions" my first recommendation is go analog. The second is add a good tube pre. Three years ago, I found a used Aesthetix Io phono preamp w volume for ca 6k usd. Great value, not only for your turntable if you have one, but for your CD or whatever too (it has two inputs). I had Krell KAV preamps before, but have never looked back. Like going from forested hills to real mountains, to use a Norway analogy.
I was facing the same situation and decided to go with a tube pre-amp. I found what I was looking for with the Modwright SWL 9.0 SE tube linestage. Of course it depends on the synergy with your other pieces, but for my system, it works.
Seems adding a Tube preamp is a pretty good advice here, however, I have a home theater, is there any good tube pre has bypass feature? I read Modwright Tgrisham mentioned, any other choices? BAT does not mention one in his web info, does anyone know if it does?

More advice is welcome. I am considering Sim audio P5.3 s.s. pre which cost me $4k.