Shengya,Kavent,Vincent -all the same

Just wondering what the scoop is?

Is Shengya the manufacturer and is Kavent and Vincent just re-named or Repackaged products by distributors.

I've seen some very interesting gear at the Shengya site

Kavent markets an integrated called the 320 and there is a cool looking cd player by Shengya called the cd-3.

There are other cd players by Kavent,Vincent and Shengya that look identical.

Anyone know the real deal
Don't know about Kavent, but do a search in discussion forums "vincent" and see my comments about Shengya Cd player I bought.

Looking alike doesn't mean sounding alike. Take the LSA integrated amps, which come in three versions, all based on the same chassis and faceplate. They range from $3200 to $9000. The differences are all on the inside. It seems logical to find a Chinese company that has an existing set of components and design within that framework than to pay for starting from scratch. The many modified components on the high-end market show that talented designers can "hot rod" even very good high-end components for improved performance. .
Would anyone know where to go to get service manuals or schematics for Shengya/Kavent/Vincent Audio gear? I'd like to know should I ever have an issue with my Kavent amp. Also I was trying to help a member here who is having an issue with his ShegYa SP-991 monoblocks. His tech couldn't figure out how to fix one of the monoblocks unless he had a schematic or service manual. Thanks