Shindo preamps

I heard the Masseto last week at a dealers, and was very impressed. I will be taking the next step soon, to hear it with my amp at that point. I have heard from another source that the Shindo's are designed to sound close to an older Marantz preamp design, can't remember the model though. I am trying to get opinions on the following. Does this mean that the Shindo has a somewhat forgiving character to it, as compared to the more modern designs such as Cat or ARC. I know this may be a generalization, but am curious as to what the thoughts may be on this. FWIW, I have no plans to do Shindo amps, because I will be sticking with mid-efficiency speakers. I did not feel when hearing the Masseto, that it was not detailed enough. In fact, it was a strong point. I heard a very low noise floor, allowing the detail to come through. It just sounded right to me, simply got right out of the way.
Hello Solitare,

I thank you for getting a new moniker just to chat about Shindo. I checked your website but couldn't figure out which tube is used in your brands phono.

The Claret was the entry level kit pre about 20 years ago. It has little to do with the Masseto's circuit. Either way the tube used for phono has no bearing on whether or not it was designed to sound like a Marantz. The question has already been answered a few weeks ago. Thanks for your intetrest in my products.


I have no idea who you are, don't have another moniker, don't have a website, and have no particular interest in your products, whatever they may be. I'm simply musing on the use of classic tubes in a modern phono circuit.


I have no idea who you are, don't have another moniker, don't have a website, and have no particular interest in your products, whatever they may be. I'm simply musing on the use of classic tubes in a modern phono circuit.

Hmmm. Mr. Loesch would be disappointed.
Arthur Loesch has nothing to do with Shindo, if that's what you meant. Vinyljh is Jonathan Halpern of Tone Imports, US distributor of Shindo.

Arthur Loesch has nothing to do with Shindo, if that's what you meant. Vinyljh is Jonathan Halpern of Tone Imports, US distributor of Shindo.

uhh, no. that's not what i meant. i am well aware of who Jonathan is, and I have the greatest respect for him and Shindo.

the reference to Loesch is in relation to the mysterious "Solitaire." Perhaps he would care to elaborate?