@livinon2wheels lets get something straight.
A. My amp is Pass X250.8 so by definition is not class A amp it is A/AB class amp that runs first 15-20W in class A and it working temp regardless of class operation is 119F. Its not the coolest running amp but its far cry from Pure Class A working temp.
B. It is not a STASI circuit so it does not stay on 24/7 and idling at 900W, there for my electric bills are not so bad up to date $76.92 was the highest bill since I got the amp running and opposite to my Threshold S550e it consumes less power at idle.
C. Yes it s a hobby so by definition you have to sponsor it, now, do you buy records ? CD's? if yes you know your choices are what makes that hobby yours... so are payments and all cost associated, If you are not ready to pay up, don't get in to it, like every hobby that one gets expensive as well.
The sound quality is your reward, take it or live it...