'Short' horns

I rarely see anything related to this subject but want to know the experiences and opinions of those who have used either speakers that utilize short horns, or the experience of anyone who has attached them to an existing speaker. I enjoy experimentation with just about anything audio, so these are on my list.
So glad you've had so much fun, and that's what this is about, when it isn't about education and culture. :)
 I was born with 'what if' in my head. That can be good or bad, but the side of curiosity led to can this be done better? Often times the answer ended up being just more experience under my belt. Then there are those times that something really shouldn't work, or at least work as well as it does. 
 The target relies on a bullseye to make shift the rifle. The eye tells us the score, and that is enough for that approach. Perhaps I am attempting to shoot over the shoulder while using a mirror. More than that, I am not even aiming at the same target as most others. Could be that after I fire, a theory falls.
I do quite a bit of DIY.  Right now I’m listening to a pair of 2 way speakers with a 6.5” woofer and a 3” wide-range driver mounted in an 11” diameter turned maple horn.  Design is similar to the Viking Acoustics Berlin.  To my ears, the sound is quite good with excellent depth and imaging.  I also designed a pair of LeCleach style horns for the same driver that I’m waiting to get back from the finisher- they’re quite amazing to listen to and sound far better than just mounting the driver to the cabinet baffle. Both styles are fairly shallow.
 Man, I just checked out the Viking website. This is very impressive woodworking! Not manufactured, but handcrafted. Simply beautiful. I was no master at the lathe, but this does give inspiration to the idea. Thanks for the reference.
Also, look at the Cessaro Wagner l- that’s a pretty good example of a LeCleach horn at the top.  It’s smaller- I had a woodturner here in Chicago turn a pair for me, with a full range driver from around 700 Hz to 20 kHz the sound is pretty stunning.  One of the things I noticed with a shallower design is there’s less “shout” than is sometimes typical of horns with more depth.