Should I got full tubes or stick with hybrid amps?

I currently have a Jolida 1501. I like it but I think I have upgraditis. I originally bought it (hybrid) because I’m really sensitive to highs (get a headache). It’s been good to me and I can listen without fatigue.

To help with upgraditis, I just bought a Yamaha AS801 to try out and although it definitely sounds good and has nice detail it is creating a little fatigue for me. I’m still in the break-in period so this may smooth out a bit.  (I definitely like having bass/treble controls).

Thinking about picking up a full tube amp or another hybrid for comparison. I don’t know much about other manufacturers of tubes/hybrids.

What’s the difference (sonically) between a hybrid and a full tube amp? Any recommendations?


Try something different under it and see what changes soundwise.

Since I stopped experimenting (15+++ years ago) I now have an assortment of plastic cutting boards because people give me all kinds of sh/stuff.

Actually the plastic ones are nice for meat/fish.

You could also try placing something soft/complient under it (pieces of an old mouse pad?) just to see/hear any difference.

The weirdest footers I recall trying were foam-like rectangles that my wife used to buff her nails (liked them under the original Bel Canto DAC1 that weighed about 2 ounces;-).

Others tried were by Mapleshade, Racing Cones/something, E.A.R., Vibropod and a few other popular ones (names forgotten).


You could also try soft footers under the new SS amp, which per my experience trying them under a Musical Fidelity X-A1 plumbed up the LF's making the HF's less prominent in the balance.

Pretty sure I tried Vibropods under the MF, but they could have been E.A.R. as I purchased a bunch of them (2 different sizes) around the same time.

I'm harping on giving the 1501 additional tries/chances because I heard one running Magnapan MMG's years ago and was rather impressed with the overall sound quality as well as its ability to properly power the planers.

Not a clue as to how it sounds with easier to drive speakers though.
