Should I got full tubes or stick with hybrid amps?

I currently have a Jolida 1501. I like it but I think I have upgraditis. I originally bought it (hybrid) because I’m really sensitive to highs (get a headache). It’s been good to me and I can listen without fatigue.

To help with upgraditis, I just bought a Yamaha AS801 to try out and although it definitely sounds good and has nice detail it is creating a little fatigue for me. I’m still in the break-in period so this may smooth out a bit.  (I definitely like having bass/treble controls).

Thinking about picking up a full tube amp or another hybrid for comparison. I don’t know much about other manufacturers of tubes/hybrids.

What’s the difference (sonically) between a hybrid and a full tube amp? Any recommendations?

Yes, they have for me...

Hard cones/ball bearings brighten up the sound VS soft footers (less/tighter bass/more detail), but they are a mixed bag.

Just rec'd trying something cheap/free as it seems to me that you like the Jolida, but just want a bit more detail.

I ended up (years ago) using the stock footers on my gear in combination with specialty shelves in my rack for the source components (TT/CD), but did try various soft/hard footers with power amps/ preamps/phono preamps & dacs and...

Yes, the footers did change the sound and my electronics are not even located in the listening room (see my system link/details) so airborne vibration was not really a part of the equation.

Even a hard wood cutting board placed under the amp (forgot to mention that one) may make enough difference in adding detail, depending on what the amp is resting on now.


Try something different under it and see what changes soundwise.

Since I stopped experimenting (15+++ years ago) I now have an assortment of plastic cutting boards because people give me all kinds of sh/stuff.

Actually the plastic ones are nice for meat/fish.

You could also try placing something soft/complient under it (pieces of an old mouse pad?) just to see/hear any difference.

The weirdest footers I recall trying were foam-like rectangles that my wife used to buff her nails (liked them under the original Bel Canto DAC1 that weighed about 2 ounces;-).

Others tried were by Mapleshade, Racing Cones/something, E.A.R., Vibropod and a few other popular ones (names forgotten).


You could also try soft footers under the new SS amp, which per my experience trying them under a Musical Fidelity X-A1 plumbed up the LF's making the HF's less prominent in the balance.

Pretty sure I tried Vibropods under the MF, but they could have been E.A.R. as I purchased a bunch of them (2 different sizes) around the same time.

I'm harping on giving the 1501 additional tries/chances because I heard one running Magnapan MMG's years ago and was rather impressed with the overall sound quality as well as its ability to properly power the planers.

Not a clue as to how it sounds with easier to drive speakers though.
