Should I got full tubes or stick with hybrid amps?

I currently have a Jolida 1501. I like it but I think I have upgraditis. I originally bought it (hybrid) because I’m really sensitive to highs (get a headache). It’s been good to me and I can listen without fatigue.

To help with upgraditis, I just bought a Yamaha AS801 to try out and although it definitely sounds good and has nice detail it is creating a little fatigue for me. I’m still in the break-in period so this may smooth out a bit.  (I definitely like having bass/treble controls).

Thinking about picking up a full tube amp or another hybrid for comparison. I don’t know much about other manufacturers of tubes/hybrids.

What’s the difference (sonically) between a hybrid and a full tube amp? Any recommendations?


You could also try soft footers under the new SS amp, which per my experience trying them under a Musical Fidelity X-A1 plumbed up the LF's making the HF's less prominent in the balance.

Pretty sure I tried Vibropods under the MF, but they could have been E.A.R. as I purchased a bunch of them (2 different sizes) around the same time.

I'm harping on giving the 1501 additional tries/chances because I heard one running Magnapan MMG's years ago and was rather impressed with the overall sound quality as well as its ability to properly power the planers.

Not a clue as to how it sounds with easier to drive speakers though.


I like dekays approach. I would try a heavy hardwood board under the Jolida with isolation pads between board and glass shelf.  I would keep the Jolida while saving for a true upgrade. 
One more plug for Vincent. Read all the reviews you can find. Surprisingly, there aren't that many. One thing you'll notice, and the reason that convinced me to buy the SV-237MK, is that there were no bad reviews of it. Most reviewers did the usual pros and cons in their summation, but the cons were never deal breakers when it came to recommending it. It is a superb sounding and extremely well designed and built piece of hifi gear. mesch made a statement that I have seen more than once from other previous Vincent owners concerning "sellers remorse" after getting rid of their Vincent. The only reason I stepped up to a Crimson 275 is because the tube bug bit me and the discretionary cash was available. I was not in the least bit dissatisfied with how my system sounded. Should I tire of it, I will have no trouble going back to the Vincent as my main sonic provider. That's why I still have it.
If it's important to you, it's also well to point out that the SV-237MK runs in Class A mode for the first 10 watts, and that covers a lot of normal listening.