Should I keep around my NAD 3155?

Here is my current system:
NAD 3155 integrated
Thorens TD 145 (with Denon 110)
Gallo Due speakers + Gallo Subwoofer

I enjoy it hugely, especially the Thorens, but I'm wondering if I'd benefit from upgrading the integrated. I'd prefer not to spend more than $1,000. Should I consider upgrading or should I just stay put?

I would think one of the Italian Audio Analogue integrated
amps would be a real step up.
Also, they are quite small.
Just read (Stereophile) about a new NAD integrated due out soon.
Uses the same technology as the M2 for a lot less $$$.
Could be worth waiting for!
Sounds very interesting Dweller. I recently acquired the C375bee and think it is very good. I hope I can read up on this new amp in the works.
Thanks everybody. Are there any other fans of Audio Analogue? Also, any thoughts on Creek amps? I was looking at a used 5350.