Should repaired equipment be stated in the ad??

Just wondering what the community here thinks about this subject.
If a seller has had the equipment or product they are selling repaired because of damage of there own doing or something else such as shipping,should they put that in there for sale ad?

I believe they should,but that is just my opinion I believe that the potential new owner should be made aware of this and it should be in the ad.
What do others here think??
I believe most people won't for fear of not selling it but sometimes if a component is older it may give some peace of mind to the buyer that it's been recently serviced.

I sold an amp a while back and it worked to my advantage that I stated that I had replaced several resistors and caps when I retubed it.

I think it is the ethical thing to do but let's face it, used electronics are a lot like used cars.
In general, I would agree with you. (Although, as long as they discuss it with you before purchasing the unit, I don't think it HAS to be in the ad itself.)

(Also, I would be more forgiving of a lack of such an admission if the work was done by the manufacturer. Replacing something small that fails, such as a capacitor or a resistor is not that big a deal, IMHO, especially if done by the manufacturer.)

I would also think that any upgrades to the unit should be mentioned as well, and especially if they were not done by the manufacturer.

My two cents worth.
If it's repaired, there's nothing broken. What is there to report?

If it is currently broken or defective, this should be reflected in the ad and in the Audiogon rating so that the purchaser can make an informed decision.
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I asked a seller recently is there was anything I should know about on a item he was selling and his response was " I have tried to list everything about these in the ad"

When I was searching the forums I saw a thread he started asking how to get this particular item fix and who could fix it " Long story, but I fried the upper mid left channel on my pair " stupid error " occurred.

I think this should have been in his ad,if not he should have at least disclosed this to me when I emailed and asked "is there was anything I should now about"

Just my opinion that's why I am curious what others think.