O-kay Hfisher3380, you got the last word. I thought that is
what Trolls do. Troll see, Troll do?
No need to apply the scientific method to the Nth
degree. Simple subtraction, and common sense works just fine. You have less of anything to buy you have less to select from. You want to shrink the High Res. Audio Market
by getting rid of the High Res. Disks. 4-2=2 The end
result of "2" is less than "4". My High Res. is currently at "4". You want to reduce it down to "2". I scream foul
because I am now down by "2" on my High Res. Selection.
You expect me to eat this for the sake of....what? Yet,
you think that you are the one who should be upset. I am
the one who is getting short changed on my Music. I am the
one who is taking the loss. You have nothing to lose- why
are you so unhappy? You discount Common Sense as "Proof"?
Computer Audio will not continue to succeed in the Audio
Market without some applied "Common Sense". Too bad, I
kind of liked the alternative. You want to eliminate ALL
alternatives. You want to put all Audiophiles on life
support having to solely rely on only one Audio Format for
High Res.! This makes "NO SENSE".
what Trolls do. Troll see, Troll do?
No need to apply the scientific method to the Nth
degree. Simple subtraction, and common sense works just fine. You have less of anything to buy you have less to select from. You want to shrink the High Res. Audio Market
by getting rid of the High Res. Disks. 4-2=2 The end
result of "2" is less than "4". My High Res. is currently at "4". You want to reduce it down to "2". I scream foul
because I am now down by "2" on my High Res. Selection.
You expect me to eat this for the sake of....what? Yet,
you think that you are the one who should be upset. I am
the one who is getting short changed on my Music. I am the
one who is taking the loss. You have nothing to lose- why
are you so unhappy? You discount Common Sense as "Proof"?
Computer Audio will not continue to succeed in the Audio
Market without some applied "Common Sense". Too bad, I
kind of liked the alternative. You want to eliminate ALL
alternatives. You want to put all Audiophiles on life
support having to solely rely on only one Audio Format for
High Res.! This makes "NO SENSE".