Devilboy- Computer Audio is like going via Pluto to get to
Earth's Moon! Can you spell R-E-D-U-N-D-A-N-T to an Nth
degree? What is next? Requiring me to perform human sacrifices to the Computer Gods whenever I want to listen
to my Music? Ever smaller, and higher hoops (Heavier
Computer Tasking) to jump through to get to my Music? Maybe
you can tease me like a Dog, and make me jump higher for
my food (Music)? Sorry Captain Ahab. You can travel through
"Perditions Flames" to get to your Music, if you want! I
can travel through a Quantum Universe instantly with
"Plug-n-Play". I don't have to worry about chasing White
Whales, or "Impending Doom"! I guess every Captain Ahab
thinks his crew is a "Little Bit Strange", or "Way Out
There"! I certainly disagree with what you say Captain
(Devilboy), and I am certainly more than just a "Little
Scared" over your small obsession in harpooning all
opposing Formats (Including Optical Disks). Were you
attacked by a Silver Disk? Did one cut your leg off, or
something? Well, "THAT" would explain alot! You have...
my simpathy. No offense Captain; but, I will wait for the next boat. Still not getting on the same boat as you.
I don't care how much of a "Nice Guy" you really
are once someone gets to know you. You are Sociopathically
Obsessed against all things non-Computer Audio. I have no
qualms with using Computer Audio with other Formats. I am
just not going to play my Guitar with Wasapi, Kernel Streaming, Defragmentation Software, Back-up Hard Drive,
Anti-Virus Program, Anti-Malware...etc...etc...etc. There
are easier ways to play a Guitar, and a whole hell of alot more fun! Of course you would obsess over using these things on anything that produces Music. You just can't make me do the same, and "THAT" is why you disagree.