No problem, Chadeffect! I have the Sun on my side. You can try and hide from those Solar Flares- you do know that they carry intense Magnetic Fields? You have some Computer Fairie Dust for that? If you ever poke your head out of your lead lined hole, and look North, the sky will look real pretty. The Audio Noise, that used to be your Music Files, will be of the highest Audiophile Quality as well. Solar Flares have been around a long time before I was ever born. Life has never been dull as long as they have been around. "The Computer Audio Gospel According To Timlub". These are your claims according to your Gospel- that real World Physics can be ignored, World is flat, and
Microsoft is a vicious Audio God that denies Computer Audio Sound Quality to everyone. You want Audiophiles to worship this out of "CONVENIENCE"? What, pray tell, are we supposed to expect from this? Do we Audiophiles go Mayan, and do self-sacrifice to the great Computer Audio God Microsoft? We sacrifice ourselves for lower, and lower, and lower Sound Quality- in exchange for more Computer Videos/ Apps/ and Computer Games? Gonna give up your monthly paycheck for a "Few Beans" of Sound Quality? Gonna throw in the towel/your life to sweeten the deal for Microsoft? Isn't THAT Special??? Who could pass up a deal like that (I'll PASS)!!! Computer Audio is supposed to be my convenient "TROPHY WIFE"? What Contest "IN HELL" did I win? "TAPE INDEEED", Dr. Smith! Computer Audio Sound Quality/ Selection/ Service is INDEED "LOST IN SPACE". You find it (And The Missing Link) you let me know! Cassette on a Disk with 1's and 0's instead of Analog. With Technology accelerating like this, why Warp Drive is right around the corner! Who are you kidding??? You want advance warning- just watch for the pretty colors in the sky. This
IS an act of GOD, not MY FAULT by the way. Take it up with your MICROSOFT GOD. You two have alot to talk about- I will leave you two alone! Merry Christmas to the both of you.
Microsoft is a vicious Audio God that denies Computer Audio Sound Quality to everyone. You want Audiophiles to worship this out of "CONVENIENCE"? What, pray tell, are we supposed to expect from this? Do we Audiophiles go Mayan, and do self-sacrifice to the great Computer Audio God Microsoft? We sacrifice ourselves for lower, and lower, and lower Sound Quality- in exchange for more Computer Videos/ Apps/ and Computer Games? Gonna give up your monthly paycheck for a "Few Beans" of Sound Quality? Gonna throw in the towel/your life to sweeten the deal for Microsoft? Isn't THAT Special??? Who could pass up a deal like that (I'll PASS)!!! Computer Audio is supposed to be my convenient "TROPHY WIFE"? What Contest "IN HELL" did I win? "TAPE INDEEED", Dr. Smith! Computer Audio Sound Quality/ Selection/ Service is INDEED "LOST IN SPACE". You find it (And The Missing Link) you let me know! Cassette on a Disk with 1's and 0's instead of Analog. With Technology accelerating like this, why Warp Drive is right around the corner! Who are you kidding??? You want advance warning- just watch for the pretty colors in the sky. This
IS an act of GOD, not MY FAULT by the way. Take it up with your MICROSOFT GOD. You two have alot to talk about- I will leave you two alone! Merry Christmas to the both of you.