Sorry to interupt this mutual admiration society. Most of your arguements contain alot of emotion, but a little short on logic- and reason. No one has even challenged my premiss of Hard Drives being the equivalent of "Cassette Tapes on Disks with magnetic particles of 1's and 0's". Does this mean that you all agree with it? If so, the same threats to magnetic flux based Cassette Tape still remain the same threats to Hard Drives. Stick a gigantic magnet next to your Hard Drive, or a collection of Cassette Tapes!
This will wipe both of them out. It certainly won't be an improvement! If you all disagree with my premiss, then give me the alternate logic and reason based on real World
Physics. CDs lasted too long to make an adequate profit for the Music Companies (Too Long?). Back comes a disposable magnetic based Audio Format (Fragile, Fragile,
Fragile)= !BOOM! PROFIT! Happy days are here again, the
disposable magnetic format (Cassette Tape) is back!
Still, no one will even try to answer why there is no replacement guarantee on Music Files if anything should happen to them. Give me the logic and reason behind that! I
say it is because they expect YOU to have to replace those
Music Files many times over= MORE PROFIT! How can you claim to appreciate diversity in Music, while promoting the
elimination of diversity in Music Formats? Your arguements are very emotional, but your logic (and Reason) still adds up to Buttcuss! Lasers beat magnetic flux, it isn't even
arguementative. Yet, I will see half a dozen responses arguing to death the opposite. Are you trying to convince me, or yourself! You are obviously failing at both. Where
is the Math, where are the Physics, where is the Sound Quality, where is the Selection, where is the Music (besides MP3), and where are your heads- besides in a very dark place? With Computer Audio you haven't got it! Convenience won't compensate for "EVERYTHING ELSE" that goes into an Audio Format. Screw the American Public for thinking otherwise- this will simply not make it true! Time to wake up now as the Magnetic Flux continues to "BLEED". We have a "BLEEDING" Audio Format now? Ain't that special? Put a tornequette on it, and stuff it! CD is
the only adequatte tornequette for magnetically based Music Files. Try going without a tornequette, and you will just bleed to death. Give me an Audio Format that will "Live" a little longer than that! I vote ZERO confidence in any magnetically based Audio Format. Look where all of the Audio Cassettes are now, end of arguement.
Master Analog Tapes fairing a little better, but not by much. Magnetic Music Files, Magnetic Cassette Tapes! Flintstones....we're the Flintstones...! Tired of repeating the "STONE AGE" again on Audio Formats! The only thing that will get us beyond the Stone Age is Quality, Quality, Quality. You want convenience stick with playing with Pet Rocks. You can bang them together for your Music if you want- REAL CONVENIENT! Never mind the Lazer passing overhead.