Should there be concern?

Recently I ran across an item of interest to me here on audiogon. As I read the entire ad I found it strange that the condition of item said new but the limited informative text said it was used until recently. I send the seller a private text regarding this and the limited information suggesting he should change and add more information.  I received a nasty reply and was promptly blocked by the seller. Would this raise red flags to anyone else or am I just being too sensitive?
^^^ @s1nn3r , the list price alone is enough reason to walk away from that deal!

Less than 10% off the list price for a used piece of audio gear???!!!
Hell, I wouldn't buy brand spanking new with less than a 10% discount, let alone a used "for less than 1 hour" item.

Update, looked at ad I was interested in again. Seller did change condition rating from new to 7/10 and dropped the price from $450.00 to $390.00. I would still refrain from doing business with the individual.
Description of item has not changed from original and is very limited.
Post removed 
After many good transactions finally had a bad one.  Seller rated as mint. I found a total of 5 defects.  While we renegotiated this to closure, what a pain this was!

Yes, there is more overrating now than before.  There is a similar post from 3 weeks ago on this issue.
Thank you for your replies. Been doing business for quite some time here on audiogon and had all good experience. This is really the first time I was exposed to this type of issue. After playing around on the selling side I'm finding quite a few ads which I would question. Whatever happened to truth in advertising?  Let the buyer beware.
"If the box is open, its used!"  Couldn't agree more.

I've been really lucky buying and selling on Audiogon, but I hear from others about that occasional person like the one you described.  Life's too short to deal with people like that.

The only "problem" I've had, selling items, is that I once had a guy who lived fairly local, we communicated via Audiogon email, he called me to ask some questions, we agreed on a price, he shows up at my home and the first thing out of his mouth was that he thought about it and reduced his offer by $600.  I told him the deal was "off".  This guy wanted to see the unit I was selling, after reducing his way!  What I learned from this was to demand that a buyer make a formal offer on Audiogon, no problem communicating via email, but the offer and payment had to be done thru the site.  Just my 2 cents.
I notice lots of ridiculous post suggesting new, then on the other end states limited use or low hours. If the box is open, its used! The buyer wouldn't know if its low hours or a millions hours. 

  It is a red flag. elevick is this "seller" to Audiogon's administrator ASAP
Why not report them to Audiogon?  Audiogon is great about looking into "fishy" sellers.
  Yes I have seen this alot lately.  I didn't know you could block or get blocked by anyone on this site.
Big red flag. I have also recently seen many ads here rated as new, and the narrative then says only used for a week or 50 hours...
Thank you ebm, I was thinking the same especially since the piece was 20+ years old.
Red flag for sure a lot of people here over rate the item i would not buy anything from this turkey of a seller.When i sell something i always under rate it.I see people with 4 year old stuff rated at 10/10 are they joking??This guy is a big jerk stay clear.Good luck!!