Shure SFG-2 - Safe to use with LOMC carts?

I am reading mixed reviews on this. Some say its not accurate to to the magnets and some say that it might even destroy the cart.
Dear Crazyravr: The inconsistency that is almost the " rule " with Shure in this subject makes that you can't have a precise answer.

As like Pryso my Shure gauge works just great but this could mean almost nothing because that Shure build material quality inconsistency.

As Doug point out maybe is better other gauge choice.

Regards and enjoy the music,
Just for statistics, my gauge (vintage 2007) was magnetic. Please avoid the risk!
I used SFG-2 with my Denon DL 160 (HOMC) to set the tracking force to 1.8g, but when the checked the weight again with a Digital guage, it indicated the actual tracking weight @ 2.1g. Avoid SFG-2 with MC
The older SFG-2 models used a steel balance beam with ferrous content and would attract to a magnet. At some point later in the production history this part material was changed to a non-ferrous metal which is not attracted to a magnet. (looks like stainless steel)

I have one that I purchased in the late seventies. It has the non-ferrous balance beam. Therefore, safe with MC or any cartridge with a strong magnet.

I also use an electronic vtf scale. A so-called "Micro-Tech" that was sold by Express Machining. In practice both the Shure and the Micro-Tech produce identical readings. And the Shure was far cheaper. But the Micro-Tech is more convenient and quick to use. No balance beam slider to fiddle with, just place the stylus on the little shelf thing and read the reading.

I still like the Shure, however.

My SFG-2 was 0.6g off. If I set it to 2.0g on the Shure, it was actually 2.6g. I gave it to the trash can. I'd say stay away from this gauge.