Silver Speaker Cables

I would like to try silver speaker cables. I have always been curious as to how they would affect the sound of my system. That said, I have a very limited budget. Is there such a thing as low priced silver cables? If so, recommendations?

Thanks all!




Others who claim otherwise need to see audiologists as usual is the case in this forum.

If that’s been your personal listening experience, then so be it. It’s quite a contrast from mine. Very easily heard and distinct differences in my audio system. People will have different outcomes. I don’t disregard yours and you shouldn’t disregard mine. Quality silver cables are unquestionably a sonic benefit in my system.


I'm going to suggest a speaker cable that's silver in name only

Take a look at the Silversmith Fidelium 

When I put them in my system the benefits were immediate and significant

Somewhat akin to hearing my entire music catalog in a fresh and new format

Many raise the hair on your arm and head shaking my my my moments

A tremendous price performer, IMHO

Lots of techno detail in this youtube review but if you want to cut to the chase, the readers digest condensed summary version is the Fideliums are game changers

Enjoy the journey


@charles1dad : you are really paying attention to what @cakyol says? You are completely wasting your time and the internet ink 😂. There are a few handful of dudes here, including Jason Bourne (see above, pretty much the very first poster on every single cable thread, never misses), who post the same thing over and over for years. It’s like a broken clock. And it’s their unfortunate life goals, their raison d'être, so to speak

In response, @jasonbourne52 and myself are probably only the few ones here who speak the reality and see past the pretentiousness of being able to hear music in a vacuum or the difference that unobtanium cables introduce.

Peace :-)



I don't know cakyol. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and respect their comments/experiences no matter if similar or dissimilar to my own. Now if I begin to realize that one is simply trolling for attention/disruption, I'll just ignore them.
