Silver Speaker Cables

I would like to try silver speaker cables. I have always been curious as to how they would affect the sound of my system. That said, I have a very limited budget. Is there such a thing as low priced silver cables? If so, recommendations?

Thanks all!


Some people's brains do not discern differences in audio kit and cables that other people can hear.  I get a continually amused that they believe that noone else can hear differences.  I don't begrudge them if they can't tell a piece of lamp cord from a Zavfino Silver Dart speaker cable.  They should not lighten their wallets for kit that makes no audible difference.  Unfortunately many others can hear differences, some to a degree greater than others. And, our wallets are lighter as a result.

  I get a continually amused that they believe that noone else can hear differences.  I don't begrudge them if they can't tell a piece of lamp cord from a Zavfino Silver Dart speaker cable.  They should not lighten their wallets for kit that makes no audible difference, [TO THEM].



       The adherents of the Naysayer Church will never accept that there exists a multitude of variables, when an accurate simulacrum of performers and their performance in a particular venue, is the desire/goal.

        If their result differs from that of others, the aspects that they can't discern CERTAINLY MUST BE the product of the others' imagination.

             Of this they are certain: it CAN'T be THEIR system or ears!

                                      Perish the thought!

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For silver speaker cables I may try the Albedo Metamorphosis which seems like their top speaker cable.  Bummer unsuccessful in finding any reviews yet.

I don't doubt some of the posters in this thread can't hear differences in components like cables.  Just cause they cant hear differences they incessantly go on acting like noone else can hear what they cannot.  I just put in some Grover Huffman Pharoah power cables on my Parasound JC1 monoblocks.  They changed the character of these amps immediately taking away the crystalline edge that was a bit too incisive and gave me a more delicate airy presentation.  I don't know if I have golden ears but I can clearly hear differences in components, before and after modding, and understand unambiguously what differences that I like, am indifferent about or dislike.  

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