Silverline SR17.5 crossover modifications?

Does anyone have experience with crossover modifications for the Silverline SR17.5 monitors? I'm considering changing to higher quality parts and would like your input: Dueland resistors, Mundorf silver-in-oil caps, Alpha core inductors, and silver wire. Or should I just leave them alone? I don't want to change the overall sonic character of the speakers, just improve what's already there.
Crossover design is so much more important than quality of the parts that make it up. I would be more inclined to spend money having someone measure the drivers then design a new crossover for the speaker first. (There are a number of folks that do this and do it well) At least that way you can throw the original back in place if you decide to sell.
Give Bill Legall of Millersound a call to get his views;he is one of the most respected speaker rebuilders in the business;here is the number if interested 215-412-7700; no relation just a very satisified customer.
At first I was eager to do a makeover, now I'm not so sure.
I'm not anxious to change the character of my speakers, just make what is BETTER, not that I'm complaining, mind you. Perhaps just changing one part instead of all? Maybe the wiring?
If you change even one thing,you will be changing the characteristics of the speaker.Again,whether it will be good or bad,I have no idea.