similar speakers

In my opinion A'gon is missing an opportunity in not having a "similar items" or "people who looked at this also considered" capability like Ebay or Amazon. So, for example, if I am looking for B&W 803 Diamond speakers, they could recommend similar performance speakers that are available.
Audiogon is great for what it is, a place to sell and buy and discuss "high end" audio gear. I guess if it ain't broke, don't fix it, though there are so many ways the site can be made better over time. That does cost money to do it right though. Last time Agon tried a major makeover, things did not go well afterwards. Hopefully some lessons were learned for the future. I hope the site is simply not afraid to change. Doing that right/well does cost money. But for a site that supports some big dollar transactions, one would expect perhaps more than is apparent in regards to improvements over time. Unless I'm missing something?
The digital noose of TOTAL control of every aspect of American life is tightening around every neck and the sheep go baaaah.
Stero 5 , you put your card in A'gons liitle file, somehow I think that hackers who can hack the CIA and Bank of America just might be able to do same to A'gon.
You have to be fool to put card on file anyplace on line.
+1 that this approach would be a waste of time, and potentially even misleading.

Without prejudice to any other arguments, simply posting a random, arbitrary or limited list of suggestions with an elusive target of actually getting "similar performance " kit is BS and blind luck at best, with a high probability that it won't work optimally with your kit.

System synergy matters .... Big time. Brand X cannot be simply randomly or blindly swapped for Brand Y because of the system synergy alchemy formed by ALL of the interaction of electronics, source, speakers and cables.
Putting credit card is not the worst error, but putting banking card on A'gon or even ebay/paypal file is definitely foolish and naive.
I use prepaid debit cards ONLY.