Not willing to give up frequency extremes for the various music genre I enjoy, so multiple drivers with seamless crossover integrations - sounds like a cohesive whole.
I'd describe my system speaker as cohesive/seamless/neutral/no coloration/ wide N deep soundstage(aka instrument separation) Further developments are on the design board.
These new high tech WBers (vs the old Lowther/Fostex's of the 1990's-2000) offer a sound w/o the weaknesses and handicaps of yesteryear.
Tang band just keeps on developing, adjusting, tweaking, break throughts, modifications,, til they get a winner.
Which they ave accomplished.
But they want Gold for em.
Considering the price you guys are paying for Dali, Sonus Faber ,Wilsons, Tektons, Tannoys
why heck the TB asking price is dirt cheap.
TB W3 1878. can't wait