Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers

What you prefer , single driver , no crossover, full   range  loudspeakers powered by low power SAT  or traditional 2-3 way design ?
Everyone's talking cones.
By far the best approach to a full range single driver speaker is electrostatic.
True, none is flat below 50Hz but there isn't the distortion produced by a full range cone at that frequency.
Not willing to give up frequency extremes for the various music genre I enjoy, so multiple drivers with seamless crossover integrations - sounds like a cohesive whole.
Everyone's talking cones.
By far the best approach to a full range single driver speaker is electrostatic

Now wait just 1 minute there. A xover low sens cone is not the same asa  WBer cone.
Totally different speakers. 
Its xover low sens (SB Acoustics/Seas/Scanspeaks vs WBers)
Stats/panels have issues/complexities.that WE9The WBer cultists) don't want to deal with.
Horns vs Stats vs low sensxover types vs WBers. 
Take your pick.
Not willing to give up frequency extremes for the various music genre I enjoy, so multiple drivers with seamless crossover integrations - sounds like a cohesive whole.

I'd describe my system  speaker as cohesive/seamless/neutral/no coloration/ wide N deep soundstage(aka instrument separation) Further developments are on the design board. 
These new high tech WBers (vs the old Lowther/Fostex's of the 1990's-2000)  offer a  sound w/o the weaknesses and handicaps of yesteryear.
Tang band just keeps on developing, adjusting, tweaking, break throughts, modifications,, til they get a  winner.
Which they ave accomplished.
But they want Gold for em. 
Considering the price you guys are paying for Dali, Sonus Faber ,Wilsons, Tektons, Tannoys
 why heck the  TB asking price is dirt cheap. 
TB W3 1878. can't wait
Tannoy dual concentric driver...I love mine....

I have dual WBers, about to make it a  3 way wide bander.
+ my paper tweeter is wonderful, clean realistic vocals, just claen/clear,, About to  go better with a  Be/Nd tweeter davidlouis clone of the scanspaek's $350 each tweeter.
I just love these chnese clones, Are they robbing tecnhology from AER/Voxativ is the Wbers? DavidLouis is, for sure. 
The DLVX8 is a near identical clone of the AER/Voxativ. 
The DavidLouis Be/Nd is pretty close clone of the sacnspeak, 
Though I am againt china stealing techology,, in this instances, it serves me very well.

Your Tannoy tweeter aint gonna beat the Be/Nd tweet.
Besides if I want a Tannoy, DavidLouis has a  near exact clone of that speaker as well.
Not the least bit interesed in a  concentric. 
Us WBer fan-ATICS are crazyyy about our WBers.
Wouldn;'t even consider using any other design as main singer in our system.