Single driver vs traditional 3 way loudspeakers

What you prefer , single driver , no crossover, full   range  loudspeakers powered by low power SAT  or traditional 2-3 way design ?
Hello @alexberger , also is very hard to add super tweeter to whizzer cone wide band drives, ih this case we have two tweeters - one mechanical -whizzer and other one electrical, we have to say by by one’
i say by by to whizzer tweeter and cut it down, I know some guys do it same and say whizzerectomia , may be wrong spelling
Hi @bache ,

Thank you for explanation.
I understand if you use full range driver you don't want to use it thought LPF.
With most of compression driver - midrange horn combinations high frequency response drops relatively fast and without significant peaks. So it is possible to separate frequency ranges between midrange driver and super tweeter if using 3-4th order HPF for super tweeter and don't need LPF for midrange.
I have a friend who is DIY speakers builder with many years of experience. When he built a number of JBL 4344 clones he always use 3-4th order HPF for super tweeter.
He told me to use 3-4th order when I bought Fostex T90a. But I didn't listen him in beginning.
And I now understand how right he was.


The comment about all 3 way speakers being fatiguing in the long run is an incorrect generalization

Yes this is true. 
What I mean by ~~fatiguing~~~ is certain fq's in the higher bass hz and the lower midrange fq;s, are **colored/barky/muddy/boomy *etc etc. 
Usually , in fact all this is comming from the midwoofers above say,,,200hz range through,,whereever the midwoofer ends its singing part in the speaker design, usually at 1800hz-2200hz. 
I really have no issues with tweeters other than they are extremely inefficient and thus the music sounds like a  wet blanket has been thrown over the speaker. 
Thus midwoofer (other than my Seas Magnesium) all are some paper type comp, Accuton has ceramin, might be OK, but those mids are wayyyyy over priced.
So basic midwoofer has terrible time in the 200hz-2k hz range.
This is where all the grateing on my nerves comes from. 
Now again,  I know of 2 tech geeks who adore  their stacked paper cone speakers from the 1970's, So each his own.
I could not live those paper things, Totally grate my nerves.
I need/demand  pure neutrality with zero coloration.
This is how  WBers voice, pure clean music.
No coloration, zero fatigue. 

This is what i mean about fatigue. 
Again you might find your speaker perfectly ok.
But for some we  are looking for neutrality, no coloration from the midwoofers. And tweeters won't work for us WBer cultists.
I have to add that in case of forward-firing super tweeter placement should be aligned with the speakers.


Acoustic tweeter alignment is the single most important thing you can do along with protection for the driver. A single cap inline is not very much protection. 3/4th order is used for the protection and when lower crossover points are used. A 2.5khz crossover for a tweeter is not uncommon. The use of a super tweeter is usually because the crossover points are to high on a conventional 3 way with VC drivers.

Mid range is 250-2500hz. Planars and ribbons work the best for me. One driver I use is actually good from 300hz to 20Khz. Try to get that out of a VC driver and be happy.. A Dual Concentric is pretty close, still two drivers, though.. but the acoustic alignment is the key to that drivers success. I love Tannoy Lancaster series.. JBL C45s

Most people do not  know how to hear and judge a  speakers voicing. 
Here's the issue.
I know how to do it now. 
As stated above 
**midrange is 200hz-2khz**
Thats where my  ears are keen upon. 
A name is not going to make any impressions.
OK, its very popular, has lots of excellent comments, Great, should i be impressed by popular vote?
Sonus faber,, just the name sounds soooo exotic. 
If we place speakers behind a curtain and have a  Zu as one  among all the xover types.Immediaetly you are going to know which is the WBer (aka Zu) and which are all the xover types.
Its not really difficult you know.
But folks auditiona  Wilson, and just based on the name in Neon lights flashing, WILSON,, psychoacoustics sets in and that alone gets Wilson's advantage.
When truth is, behind the curtain, the Zu is the one that will most impress.
WBer's always win. 
Most folks have no clue how to hear, listen and judge a  speaker. 
WBers always win. 
Don't make  me, please dont repeat myself.