I have to add that in case of forward-firing super tweeter placement should be aligned with the speakers.
Acoustic tweeter alignment is the single most important thing you can do along with protection for the driver. A single cap inline is not very much protection. 3/4th order is used for the protection and when lower crossover points are used. A 2.5khz crossover for a tweeter is not uncommon. The use of a super tweeter is usually because the crossover points are to high on a conventional 3 way with VC drivers.
Mid range is 250-2500hz. Planars and ribbons work the best for me. One driver I use is actually good from 300hz to 20Khz. Try to get that out of a VC driver and be happy.. A Dual Concentric is pretty close, still two drivers, though.. but the acoustic alignment is the key to that drivers success. I love Tannoy Lancaster series.. JBL C45s
Acoustic tweeter alignment is the single most important thing you can do along with protection for the driver. A single cap inline is not very much protection. 3/4th order is used for the protection and when lower crossover points are used. A 2.5khz crossover for a tweeter is not uncommon. The use of a super tweeter is usually because the crossover points are to high on a conventional 3 way with VC drivers.
Mid range is 250-2500hz. Planars and ribbons work the best for me. One driver I use is actually good from 300hz to 20Khz. Try to get that out of a VC driver and be happy.. A Dual Concentric is pretty close, still two drivers, though.. but the acoustic alignment is the key to that drivers success. I love Tannoy Lancaster series.. JBL C45s