Single ended to XLR adapter

Does it make sense to use a single ended to XLR adapter? Just Purchased JC-1 amps and have heard they sound best with XLR. My pre amp (Supratek)is not balanced and Im wondering if it makes sense to get an adapter and utilize the XLR inputs on the parasound JC 1s. I realize this is not true balanced.

If I'm not mistaken the Parasound's are not true balanced designs anyway. It should only make a negative difference.
Bignerd 100- Thats what I thought also. But many Jc-1 owners swear they sound much better with balanced connection. Bob Crump of CTC builders (one of the JC1 designers) also claims they do sound better balanced. I guess what Im getting at is; If the JC1s are not a true balanced design yet they supposedly sound much better using the XLR inputs then could it just be a matter of better quality parts being used for the XLR inputs (or something along those lines) and not have anything to do with true balanced design? This is why Im wondering maybe in this case using the XLR adapters may be advantageous.

I agree with Albertporter that adding adaptors simpy adds more connection points (and opportunity for degradation).

That said, if it were me, I'd have to know just to satisfy my own curiousity.

If you want to do a cheap experiment, go to Markertek ( and purchase a set of interconnects that have RCAs on one end, and XLRs on the other. A pair will set you back about $15. The connectors are fairly high quality--they appear to be Canare and the cable itself is probably Belden.

I was using this from my Marantz SA 8260 SACD player to feed my balance input on my BAT VK3i pre-amp until I built my own custom interconnects. Truth to be told, I couldn't discern a difference of any significance, but my ears are 43 years old.
Even if it is a "pseudo-balanced" setup, it very easily could sound better balanced. I really doubt that is has anything to do with the actual connector used. But if it also has RCA connectors in addition to the XLRs, I do not think it will help matters any to muck around with adaptors. Unless, as Albert said, you just happen to have a really good set of XLR cables sitting around, not being used.

Hey, my ears are older, and Albert's older stiil................
I have a similar problem: BAT VK 200 amp w/balanced inputs connected with RCA cables via XLR adaptors, connected to a single ended Joule Electra LA 150 preamp.

My previous setup was all balanced/XLR (BAT amp to a BAT VK 30 balanced pre). Even though I'm no longer connected via balanced cables, my sound via my new Joule Electra pre far surpasses my previous balanced setup (BAT to BAT).

Has anyone tried using cables that are single ended on one end and balanced on the other? I don't see many options via the used market on the Gon, however, I would think it would be an improvement over using an XLR adaptor. I don't know the answer, but maybe others have experience or input regarding this subject. It has to be a common problem.