Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable

I'm going to purchase some AQ speaker cables, and am considering bi-wired AQ Robin Hood Zero vs full range William Tell Zero (with quality jumpers). The bi-wired RH is about $500 more expensive than the full range WT, but on a comparable basis, WT is the more expensive cable. Any thoughts on sound quality between the options I described above would be greatly appreciated.


Yeah, I’d have to vote for the better cable with good quality jumpers. 

I can only speak to my experience with bi-wired Vandersteens, and they recommend true bi-wire (not one cable set up with internally divided wiring)... TWO separate cables. They don't like using one cable with jumpers, if true bi-wire is available. FWIW.

I used to like two separate cables but when I tried some jumpers of the same quality as my speaker cables, I never looked back.

All the best,

I like to eliminate the biwire option from my speakers (although this precludes bi-amping which is a different question).  Then use one large gauge high quality cable.

I suspect most of the occasions where biwiring helped, the speaker cables were undersized.


I’m also in the bi-wiring is a downgrade camp. The key is to use a good jumper and not the usual low quality ones that come with most speakers (which many compare bi-wiring against hence thinking it’s better).