Sleeper preamps: $500 new/used

Looking for tube or solid state pre with very good phono stage...willing to go used and go with an older model if sound quality is superior...any models come to mind?
Listen to Genesis168. He knows a great pre when he hears one. I've owned a Model 2 for ten years, teamed with Forte Model 4 amps for mids/highs and Adcom GFA555's on the subs. I searched for many, many years to find components that excelled and are available at reasonable prices. I have no reason what so ever to look any further. My quest was over ten years gone. I still visit the high-end shops just to hear what I'm NOT missing though.

Like any high-end components... the Forte line simply allows music to pass through unchanged. They are just about the most "musical" amps and preamps you can buy at any price and regardless of build date. They effortlessly reveal all the gorgeous detail without a trace of edginess. They possess that illusive sweetness without introducing a hint of mushiness. At $500 or LESS, they're one of the biggest bargains in the audio market today.

Nelson Pass' genius is timeless!!
This is the Adcom GFP-565 in spades. Closer to $325 used. Very highly regarded phono stage. Mine's gone to a new home!
I purchased a used MFA Magus A in 1995 - never gotten rid of it. I use it exclusively as a phono stage now as the Conrad Johnson's of the world have overtaken it's line stage. In 2003, I had Scott Frankland redo it - new capacitors, new pots, new jacks, modifications to the power supply etc.

It responds well to tube choice. For the 12AT7, use a Amperex or Mullard. ECC801S or 6201 can be used as well. The 12AX7's should be Electroharmonix or Mullard. ECC 83 can be used, particularly the Telefunken. Also good are 5751's from Jan Phillips or Raytheon. Military spec 5751's are much cheaper and more plentiful - Sylvania, Raytheon, or RCA.

It's great with a CJ Premier 16, ET3 or 5. It can grow with you. Someday I'll get a Wavestream Kinetics or TEA 1 but until then, the Magus is great.