SME 3009 II (improved) won't balance with Shure V15 III

So ... I'm working on a Garrard 301 project and just installed a new-to-me SME 3009 II (improved) tonearm on which I attached a Shure V15 cartridge. I know that this cart and arm are essentially made for each other, but when I begin the setup process, I can't get past the first, most basic step. Even with the balance weight screwed in as close as possible (applying no extra upward weight), the cartridge end tips way UP when I release it from the arm rest. No adjustment I make will get the arm to come down into a balanced position.

I've never encountered this with a tonearm before, and I'm new to owning an SME. 

I'm pretty sure I've check all the "D'oh! How could I be so stupid?" things I could be doing wrong. I'm baffled.  Anyone have any ideas? 

Thanks in advance!



So ... first, yes, I'm using the V15 III (with Jico SAS stylus), so I'm excited to see how it sounds. 

Turns out the guy from SME was wrong. The weight I have is what shipped with the arm originally and what the owners manual shows in use. The pics in the manual actually show the arm being set up with that weight and with a Shure V15 III, too. 

I found a place in England called Charlton Analogue that sells SME arms and parts. The guy there noticed in pics I sent him that the black piece that protrudes out the back of the bearing assembly, which the weight screws into (it's called the spider) was a little funky. This piece is actually supposed to slide into the weight as you rotate it toward the arm. Mine was splayed outward a bit preventing the weight from being rotated all the way in -- by a good 3/4 inch. Thus, even though it felt to me like it was as tight to the arm as possible -- because the spider was stopping it from going any farther -- it actually had quite a way to go.

The spider has these little splits in it that make it a little springy. I was able to squeeze them together with needle nose pliers and with the help of a tiny dab of white lithium grease, I was able to get the spider into the ring around the screw on the weight, and voila! The weight now twists all the way flush to the bearing assembly -- and I can balance my arm.

All it cost me was about 8 hours of sleep last night trying to figure out what the hellI was doing wrong. 

Thanks to everyone who chimed in!

Excellent. Lettuce know how it sounds! The arm is on the heavy side for a V15 and adding weight to the headshell would work, but the slightest wobble would send the arm airbourne. 

From memory the effective mass of the II/Improved is 6.5 grams (maybe 7.5 - too lazy to look it up) for the fixed head shell version and 9.5 (certain on this) for the detachable head shell version.

Both are excellent choices for the V15 series as is the 12.5 gram non-improved SME arm.

I've owned and used all of them with the sure V15/III (tried the IV, but went back to the III).

I currently use an SME 3009II/non-improved on a Thorens TD125II, though with a Grado cartridge.

The only upgrade I rec for the old SME arms is  to have the wiring updated to something better.

