"What you have done, what you are hearing, times one hundred. Yeah. And people wonder why I rave about my system."
They do indeed.
They might also marvel at your commitment, endeavour and striving for the title of the "audiophile’s audiophile".
As for the clever pulling out of the hat idea of micro-arcing, nice try, but doesn’t this seems to contradict the rather badly written, yet impressvely lengthy blurb the advertisers (?) themselves have put out?
"What different about NPS-1260 is that this solution does not focus on electron transfer in a traditional approach. Not at least as it does in a "traditional contact enhancer"Instead, it focuses on magnetic or more precisely “electro-magnetic field” transfer.It is uniquely set apart in this concept, design and application."
"The is an understanding that is has more to do with the power of electro-magnetism and the subsequently produced magnetic fields associated with electrons and less to do with the actual electron (forward) movement thought to be responsible for electricity in traditional theory."
"The reason for this is that if connections are one of, if not the largest problem that will cause’s distortion. NPS-1260 is simply a method to prove and show this."
Just for the record, for anyone still interested, or even awake, I’ve got some crystal clear fluid that I can provide myself at a negligibly small cost.
You can get a whopping 30ml of S.O Magic 11- 345 at the giveaway sale price of, wait for it, $599.00.
If you were to carefully use it in conjunction with some Caig Deoxit and Autosol metal cleaner you may notice a tremendously dramatic, earth shattering, 100s of times magnification improvement in soundstaging, dynamics, timing and timbre.
Or you may not.