So just how much vinyl do YOU own?

Let's hear some numbers!

And when do you think you might have enough to last your lifetime?

Or is it like horsepower ... Too much is never enough!

Do you have regular clearouts or just keep adding until the floorboards start to creak!

All just for fun people!
I just purchased a turntable a week ago and now have 7 records (new and used). My intent is to acquire music not currently in my digital library. I'm pretty happy with my digital so, hopefully, I can keep a handle on those "I need to hear this on vinyl" urges which are sure to come. So far I'm really enjoying the experience.
Glad to see there are some fellow "non hoarders" among the brethren.

I agree that if I buy an album, play it and find it was not to my liking and am likely to never play it again then there is just no point in keeping it just for the sake of it.

So usually on eBay it goes.

I have my existing storage bins and they are not quite full yet so I consider myself "safe" for now … lol

Buying lots of vinyl online is also a great way for your neighbours to work out the new postal delivery worker is not too good at reading address.

Ask me how I know, met a few nice people local who I never would have this way!
Post removed 
I have around 1,500.  I keep asking myself why I buy more, especially with all the streaming options available.  I do love the physical act of playing a record though and love the sound.  I'm running out of space, so something has to give soon...