I've been collecting records since high school. Started out with jazz and rhythm and blues. As the audio disease set in, back in the early '70s, my musical taste expanded and the collection grew. Now, if I were to make a rough estimate, I'd say the collection consists of 7000 LP's and maybe 2000 CDs.
Since the collecting started back in the middle 1950s and was mostly jazz, I have some fantastic collectible albums. Lots of early mono jazz records that could sell on Ebay for good money.
After the musical taste expanded, I started collecting classical and even good easy-listening music, some of which, are truly great sounding. Demo quality actually. I've recommended a few of them in these forums.
I'd like to thank all members who have or are currently, donating their CDs to the thrift stores. Its turned into a heyday much as we had with vinyl when CDs first came on the scene. With a high-resolution system, properly recorded CDs can sound fantastic.