So many YouTube clips to evaluate sound quality. Why???

There are several audio gear Youtubers chronically playing clips displaying speakers and amplifiers and even cables to have YouTube listeners evaluate sound quality.  And then they go to shows and display music clips from the very small Hotel rooms.  And yes I watch a few and some can be interesting. It's gotta be tough for these manufactures to go to these hotels all the time and deal with all the people. Basically, it's a mixture of all kinds of higher end components and somehow it's possible to appreciate what individual components sound like. $200,000 speakers surrounded by lots of other high-priced gear. How does one charge anything?

Are they trying to fool people with sound comparison music clips? What is the point and why are they wasting their time?  Maybe headphones might detect something.  I fail to appreciate why these individuals do this, and why do they dedicate so much time to this.  Are they being paid to promote speakers and amplifiers?  And then reading the comments where all these people seem to really believe they hear differences.

Time might be better spent explaining technical merits of the gear and opinions on how it sounds. And why their recommended gear is so expensive.  



I was in The SHOW Costa Mesa 2023 last weekend. I thought WT audio (rm #327) sounded noticeably clean and musical. I visited WT room twice to confirm what I heard. Today I watched Youtube videos of The SHOW and they prove I was right. YT is an one way to evaluate the audio system. Visit AJ’s channel to see all videos from The SHOW.

Audiophile Junkie in rm #327 - The Home Entertainment Show 2023

What is absurd is not buying 400,000 bucks speakers so much as putting them in a non dedicated completely tuned for them acoustic room...

This nourrish the complete ignorance of acoustic by consumers...Who think putting panels on a small room or in a large one is enough...

it is not my experience in small room at all..

In general nobody sell acoustic save acoustician... In general acoustic cannot be sold ( panels can be) we must learn it in s specfic room by ourself... it is painstaking and long.... At least it was for me but more fun than anything  with improvement each day or two, and more revwarding than any possible upgrade, no comparison.. Anyway new upgrade must be acoustically integrated ...

Now knowing that most people can do that, it is sad, i recommend headphone...

Anyway most live happy with their speakers in their living room why not?  Only music matter at the end...

But if we speak about audio truth, truth matter  matter , there is no short cut for acoustic, but they are many shrortcut about costlier purchase choices..


Jays YouTube site seems to be most prolific with sound clip vids on speaker that cost like $400,000.

Absurd someone spends this much money on speakers. My guess these things are on loan since he’s got new speakers every other week. To keep the same speakers means he loses his viewers.


I was interested in your historical posts, not many, and you visit lots of shows and recommend speakers.

are you saying you can hear the difference with YouTube and it’s helpful? You saw it in person and are you saying YouTube reflects this accurately?

I did check out your recommended video and it sounded very nice. The junkie guy YouTube video was well recorded, the guy knows what he's doing.

I must be the only one that watches YouTube on my TV played through my main system and my DAC. sounds quite good to be honest and some reviewers take the time to record well. most of the stuff I see is 44khz on my DAC. 

its good if they compare to another speaker, or if they use the same recording set up for all recordings you can get a feel for the differences to other equipment reviewed.

not perfect but a good starting point IMO. 

emergingsoul OP

    @juant71   are you saying you can hear the difference with YouTube and it’s helpful? You saw it in person and are you saying YouTube reflects this accurately?

Yes. YT videos reflect exactly what I heard and felt at The SHOW. ** I listen with $60 Logitech computer speakers.