So what is the best speaker you have ever owned?

I would like to know what the best speakers in any system that you have owned personally, not just listened. Specifically, what characteristics made it better than anything else? (imaging, bass, dynamic range, smoothness, size, looks, distortion, how it moves air, price, etc.)
thanks, Nita
My Apogee Duetta Signatures.....and all tubed components are a match made in heaven to my ear.

Even though I have listened to speakers that I thought were as nice sounding as mine, I didn't think they were better sounding, just different why change speakers? (plus, the last pair I listened to were $17,000 anyway).

I have owned 6 speakers on this list already ... and by a long shot, the best speakers I have owned are the Vapor Cirrus loudspeakers ... see them at
Hard to choose one but my favs since 1959 are Dynaudio Sapphire (dealer disclaimer), Ohm F, Apogee Duetta Signature and double stacked Quad 57.
Reference 3A De Capo's. After BW602, Triangle Comete, these suckers sing, great dynamics at low vol. levels, rich midtones and solid bass for a stand mount.
My Dynaudio C1's. Especially since I replaced my ss integrated with tubes (Octave V70SE).