So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...

Here is a very relevant discussion among physicists about the directionality...the way signal and electrons should flow... based on conductor orientation. Some esoteric, high-end manufacturers say they listen to each conductor to see which way the signal should flow for the best audio quality.

Read this discussion. Will it make you rethink what you’re being told and sold?
Everything a human can hear can be measured, no ifs, ands or buts. There is no equivocation,  no in principle, it's a simple fact. Plain and simple everything we hear is a physical phenomena transferred via the air around us.
Something tells me you don't fully understand what you wrote.

There is a difference between measuring sound pressure which anybody can measure. 

But it's difference from measuring how human perceive music.  No instrument on earth that I know of can do that.

I understand, on the other hand your comprehension is rather suspect.

I’ll help you out. Measurement of sound does not equal perception of sound. Quit putting words in my mouth. I have never mentioned perception that’s an entirely different thing.
They dont know that psychoacoustic is not psychology but a rigorous science CORRELATING two factors that cannot be reduced: one is physical acoustic for example and the other is the way the brain/body in a non computer way created the sound qualities experienced by humans...

They dont know this correlation process....They reduced psychacoustic to acoustic, like idiot reduce science to one if his subfield or to technology...

Asking  the right  question in science is more important than an answer...

 An answer can be wrong, a rightly asked question is never wrong....
Measurement of sound does not equal perception of sound.
Then why arguing about or against cable directivity?

By faith or superstition?

oups! i forget....

You claimed that all perception not reducible to measures are placebos for sure....

But wait a minute if some perception are not illusion or placebos , even being non measurable this way by a voltmeter or a frequencies meter , psychoacoustic made sense anyway....And perhaps for the cable, changing his direction is a particular "measure instruction" to experiment with by listening to it? A way to CORRELATE a physical information to an audible perception...

And perhaps cable direction made sense being an instruction to experiment with....

Then is all perception of sound reducible to known measurements or not? Say yes or no....

If like you just said measuring and listening are different why do you ridiculize those who experiment with it in the affirmative?

If cable direction caused audible differences then the measurements would vary depending on the way it was measured. If those measurements show no difference but audible differences are still claimed then listening could be used to see if there is something the measurements are not picking up.