Atmasphere, unless you're talking about niche brands like Audio Note and
Kondo, I can't agree with your statement. For a range of reasons SS
integrated amps are deemed more reliable, and therefore a lower risk
proposition. The majority of loudspeakers are not high efficiency speakers,
therefore most punters want an integrated amp capable of delivering high
current (stability) and authority when presented with a moderate to difficult
load. Then there is the attraction of low maintenance (ie: no waiting for
tubes to warm up, no tube swapping or adjusting bias). Loudspeakers
throwing a moderate to difficult load at a tube integrated product will place
a lot of stress on the tubes to supply current which can negatively impact
tube life and reliability. Tube hybrid integrateds like the Aesthetix Atlas are
a different story of course, but I'd argue SS integrated amps like Accuphase
etc hold their value better overall than thier tube counterparts.
Kondo, I can't agree with your statement. For a range of reasons SS
integrated amps are deemed more reliable, and therefore a lower risk
proposition. The majority of loudspeakers are not high efficiency speakers,
therefore most punters want an integrated amp capable of delivering high
current (stability) and authority when presented with a moderate to difficult
load. Then there is the attraction of low maintenance (ie: no waiting for
tubes to warm up, no tube swapping or adjusting bias). Loudspeakers
throwing a moderate to difficult load at a tube integrated product will place
a lot of stress on the tubes to supply current which can negatively impact
tube life and reliability. Tube hybrid integrateds like the Aesthetix Atlas are
a different story of course, but I'd argue SS integrated amps like Accuphase
etc hold their value better overall than thier tube counterparts.