Solid State Power Amps

I’m currently using 2 PrimaLuna EVO 400 power amps. I want to try my EVO 400 preamp with solid state power amps. I am considering the BHK 300, MC830, Accuphase 250 or 300 and the Pass X260.8. My budget is around 25k. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated. If there is something else please recommend it. 


The new AGD Solo LE amps! Their amps can be upgraded as the technology improves.


2×220W rms 8 Ohm, 2x 400W i 4 Ohm, all power is continuous rms  measured at 0.01% thd+N.

Are made to last a long time.

2×220W rms 8 Ohm, 2x 400W i 4 Ohm, all power is continuous rms  measured at 0.01% thd+N.

@gryphongryph This won't matter if distortion rises with frequency. It will cause harmonics in the region above the turnover frequency to be audible as harshness and brightness.

Put another way, THD is not going to be all that important if distortion does not rise with frequency. FWIW, 99% of all solid state amps ever made have a problem with this.


New Zealand based Plinius SA 102 amp makes my Canton Ref 3K speakers really sing.    Class A and A/B switchable output at 140WPC 8 Ohms

Perfect match for these speakers.