Solid State vs. Tubes - What if Transistors came first?

What do you guys think?

If transistors came first, and then decades later tubes were invented, would we have any tube amps we would call high end?

Wouldn’t they all fail to reach the height of performance and transparency set by transistor amps?



P.S. I love Conrad Johnson. I'm just wondering how  much of our arguments have to do with timing. 
Yes, the signal into a transister modulates the DC in the following stage, hence the term semi-conductor though properly written the hyphen isn’t there of course. It doesn’t actually conduct. There is always a PN junction, or a barrier. In a tube the electrons flow through. That likely accounts for the preception that tubes sound faster when dealing with good quality tubes in a well designed tube circuit. It only takes one crappy capacitor to screw up either type of circuit.
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Wow, I just got an email alerting me to a post, which apparently the author pulled saying that we are the worst. How silly. Bikers will argue in favor of their favorite bike, car enthusiasts will argue the merits of their favorite car, ad nauseam. Humans argue their positions, and often try to win others over to their positions, so now I guess humans are the worst becsuse we don’t allow the fittest amoung us to lead us around by the nose, and tell us what we must think. Some love dark, IMO, dull sounding equipment because it doesn’t allow poorly engineered recordings to sound bad, I don’t go for that, but I understand it. I find it hard to believe due to my aversion to it now, but I used the enjoy equipment that would make people’s ears bleed, in search of detail to excess. If one likes darker sound a neutral system may sound bright to you. The point is that you ought to buy equipment that works for you! If you seek advice, you ought to attempt to seek out people who share your likes and dislikes, which is impossible to do completely, but describing what you like and don’t may help a little. The point is that while even I will slip at times, I ultimately know that tastes vary. There are ultimate truths, so when someone doesn’t understand that, one may take them to task, but that’s largely how man has learned, through reasoned debate. New scientific theories are rarely immediately accepted because they often displace older "established" beliefs, so the scientists battle things out intellectually and in laboratories. This forum should be a place for vigorous discussion and debate, because it’s all about learning our hobby just a little bit better, so rant on folks, just try to remain civil and understand that what you prefer may not be, well, more accurately stated, will not be agreed upon by all.
I see, very interesting. I am not a technical person and have no clue.
No wonder, tubes have such a cult following. 
Hi Inna,
Tubes are not for everyone, I refused to use them for decades. I had worked on some tube equipment cameras and early vidio tape recorders, 3 inch tape on reels much like old reel to reel tape recorders. Video pickup was all done with tubes until CCD came along in the late 1980s, and various red, green, and blue video pickup tubes didn't seem to last that long, so I wasn't a tube lover. I did some mods for a friend, he had LS15, and LS16 Audio Research preamps. I installed soft recovery diodes in them, replaced some power supply capacitors and bypassed the capacitors in the tube stage, I was hooked after listening to them, and bought an LS15 for myself. Schitt Audio came along, and I bought their Yggdrasil DAC. I was so impressed that I went on to buy a Freya. Well, one of the guys who bought a Freya went on to buy a preamp made by Roy Mottram, and blown up by long time Citation and McIntosh tube refurbisher/modifier Don Sachs. Not being a tube guy, I figured that if I bought the SP14 kit from Roy, by the time I had mine tweaked out, which would be a learning process, I'd have more into it than if I just bought Don Sachs' version, so I bought a preamp from Don. Roy was in the middle of a move anyway, so it's also true that I was impatient and just wanted to be done. Well, the DS2, as Don calls it, so blew away the Freya, that I was hooked. Don's amp costs over 3K, and Upscale Audio was selling PrimaLuna Prologue Fives for 1100, so I bought one. It sounded better to me than any of my SS amps, especially once I got a set of Gold Lion KT88s, with Amperex 9 pins for drivers. I still lacked the deep soundstage that I was looking for and experience told me that octal drivers would sound better, so I went back to Roy Mottram. He, as luck would have it, was selling his personal amp, he didn't need the wattage and was down sizing. Well, I bought it, and it sounds awesome. I do intend to do a few things to it, but at this point I suppose I should have just purchased Don's amp and skipped the PrimaLuna, but then I wouldn't have learned as much as I have about tube amplifiers. Frankly either of Roy's kits, the ST70 or the ST120 with octal drivers is an awesome deal, as is his SP14 preamp. Unfortunately I always want to squeeze that last 10 percent out of audio equipment....