Solo streamer

I’m looking to replace my Cambridge CXN v2 with a streamer that has better SQ.  I want a streamer with no extra accoutrements: no DAC, storage capacity, etc., nothing but a streamer.  Is this available?



The only downside to Aurender is that the dynamic range on some tracks is too good; it ranges from almost inaudible to ear splitting in the space of a few minutes. Happily, on most tracks this doesn’t happen.

Well, it can’t be perfect, can it?


That sounds very much like a DAC thing and not the Aurneder. 

The glass behind your speakers makes for a hard hard bounce. If you have a life partner, then good luck with that one! (It took me finally getting up an out building to get it set up for sound the way I wanted. In the house forgetaboutit)

As others have said USB cabling (and Power cord in) will help too.

Late to this party (as I was listing to tunes). Excellent example or what Agone can be. Oh happy day.




You could be right about the DAC, but I’m enjoying the current interaction otherwise so much, it’s not worth a change of units.  Also, it’s a fairly rare occurrence.

@mahler123 there is such thing as lossless compression. Absolutely everything is compressed on the Internet to save bandwidth and improve speed. Without any losses. Think ZIP archive.

@rvpiano I’m listening to the 9th again, streaming from Qobuz. 
It sounds fine, still slightly overdone with loudness but it’s not offensive by any means. Running the following:

Aurender N200 via Audience StudioOne USB to Bricasti M3  that feeds Boulder 866 integrated via Nordost Tyr 2 XLR. Bricasti does an amazing job with this recording.