Some tables have soul and some not

Why is that? Do you think it is always very subjective?
Say, Nottingham Spacedeck does have it and SME does not even if in some respects SME can be called a better or depending on model much better table.
Thoughts, opinions, name callings ?
This is a forum for audiophiles to discuss various subjects related to them.
The biggest "crap" is for someone who doesn't really participate to jump in, call others names , and quickly jump out before giving himself a chance to get engaged in the discussion too.
Yeah, that was a good joke, Nandric.
I ran into this Greek song and liked it:

Geoch, what is she saying? There is sensuality in her voice.
I think, I should follow my own advice to Marakanetz and move to the Netherlands - I definitely prefer this to militarism and destruction.
Dear Inna, You as well as Marakanetz are welcome in Holland.
Alas the story about Djilas is real. After he published his
book about 'Conversations with Stalin' he was removed from
his high position in the party. He was sentenced two times
for his writing. So the first prisoner got 10 years during
the 'power time' of Djilas and second during his decline.Djilas him self got a total of 20 years.

"Dear Inna, You as well as Marakanetz are welcome in Holland."

What about me? Am I being dissed?
"The biggest "crap" is for someone who doesn't really participate to jump in"

Are you serious? I thought the whole idea of discussing the 'soul' of turntables was a joke. Please excuse me. I had no idea you folks were serious. I thought this was something akin to the 'Cables' forum. Please continue.