I had started a thread about what are the best TTs. Of course best is relative and may mean something different to different people. I have watched that some guys really love their baby. It might be not the most musical or really highly praised TT by the critics but there is something special regarding their TTs they will never say good by to these tables.
If you develop such a personal relation to a "simple tool" and we would ask those aficionados about their preference I am quite sure they would come back and tell us their TT has a kind of personality or soul. No I am not on drugs...
I am rather keen in learning which TTs definitely have NO soul?
Who can help me?
best @ fun only
I had started a thread about what are the best TTs. Of course best is relative and may mean something different to different people. I have watched that some guys really love their baby. It might be not the most musical or really highly praised TT by the critics but there is something special regarding their TTs they will never say good by to these tables.
If you develop such a personal relation to a "simple tool" and we would ask those aficionados about their preference I am quite sure they would come back and tell us their TT has a kind of personality or soul. No I am not on drugs...
I am rather keen in learning which TTs definitely have NO soul?
Who can help me?
best @ fun only