Divine Mother just says yes to everything.....including what you do
Divine Father is here to teach you how to act loving.
When you embody both.....you have a great parent. The Divine mother part of us says first and most important of all.....I love you, you are beautiful and I am grateful and blessed by your presence. Then the Divine Father part of us steps in and says....er...son or daughter....your behavior right then was not loving.....and I am here to teach you how to be more loving.....so don't do that behavior again....understand? Then Divine mother steps in again and tells the child how much they are loved. Of course, the child will test the parents and this game repeats itself....however, the second time the Father says......we already went throug this once......so, if you do this again.....there will be a consequence you will not like.......then when the child does it again.....the father actualy implements the deterent as the child is being stubborn. All the while divine mother is loving the child.
When we take our ego postion as some serious reality that needs defending then when daddy says our behavior is not great then we get angry and defensive.....we want to hurt daddy.......however, Mommy is always there loving you and daddy is actually just loving you too. It is for your benefit that 'coach daddy" corrects us. We become better and more loving people. We are all "coach daddy" for each other. WE are not our ego, our opinion, we don't need to fight or argue with anyone. We can just state our truth. And the daddy in each of us can see the ego in each other. Most of us are afraid to confront the ego of someone else as we don't think much of ourself and we would not want that person talking about us.....or pointing out our flaws. What a stupid mess.....he he. We are ALL here to grow in love and truth......and therefore we need to be able to hear what daddy has to say....and see if it is true and take the appropriate actions to make ourselves better.
On a public forum we cannot be alpha to another.....we are all equals. We are each others parent and child but we cannot lay down "behavior modification techniques" like a parent to a child. However, we can still tell it like we see it. For that helps people to grow. They might fight against your point of view......but their soul hears the truth (if any) that you might say. So please, tell the truth.....always...it always serves us. To take personally what someone else says about us is childish. Everyones thoughts are simply them talking to themselves. This is me talking to myself. Who actually replies to Mahgister?.....not many. Who is he talking to?......himself. We all talk a lot to ourself.....but is what we say to ourself the TRUTH?......or just made up fiction.
I try to make my words a teaching so others can learn to have better sound and a happier life.....more and more that is all I care about. Why do you post? Do you think that anyone really cares about what you say? Are you helping anyone? I mean helping them get a better stereo or more happiness?
The truth is very simple. If you need a lot of words and paragraphs and posts to say what you could have said in a sentence or one paragraph....then why are you doing it? I would love to hear some simply stated words from Maghister about some things that would actually improve my sound or my happiness. I don't want to hear the word "acoustics" said over and over. I want some real knowledge that I can implement so I have larger goosebumps when listening. That is what I want......a better stereo.....and most peopel here...that is what they want. Will you help us get better sound......with very, very, very simple words?......so we don't tune you out because we have no idea what you are talking about. Will you make my dreams come true. Please help me.....divine mother that lives is Mahgister........MA....Ma...it is your name....you are the MA.....she always says YES, Si, DA, JA, Hai....in every language. Yes, to everyone.....and especially the MA...hgister.