Sonic Tonic fom the Tweek Geek

Well here is another great tweak that I recommend. Its called, "Sonic Tonic". By the Tweek Geek.

Sonic Tonic consists of a set of 4 bottles and will cost you $99 but boy do you get your money’s worth.
I placed the first 4 bottles on the power cords IEC ends on my PS Audio Dac, Bryston BDP-2, BSG QOL, and my DEQX Preamp. And then listened...
What I heard was a clearer soundstage, with improved vocals, deeper bass and increased dynamics.

I even tried them on my Video equipment; Samsung 85" UHD, Dish equipment, Oppo 205 and found an increased resolution that really made Tara Reid’s wrinkles pop in " Sharknado 5" !

I ended up buying a total of 20 of these bottles and now have them everywhere including on my Tube Amps and my Subs.
With a return guarantee you guys need to give these a try.


I just purchased another 8 Sonic Tonic Bottles.
I hope others have tried them, they are a true sonic bargain.
Ozzy... how would you compare the Sonic Tonic to those small copper resonator things? The ones you made from fly fishing parts. I only ask because I have always respected you opinion (especially on the BSG-QOL) I made some of those resonators, and thought they did nothing. I seems that you like the ST bottles even more, but your answer will confirm.

Thanks ... John


John, They have 2 different purposes. The DIY resonators are used for room interaction and placements within the room is key. 

The Sonic Tonic bottles are doing something to reduce the noise within the cable itself, allowing more dynamics to flow. Here again you must experiment with placement and quantity.
Too much of them in one place and it will make the music too forward and loose depth in the soundstage.
They seem to work best on IEC ends. But do try them on speaker ends, HDMI ends etc.


Hi ozzy,

I decided to compare the Tweak Geek Dark Energy speaker cables with my Cerious GEs. Mike was super and sent the DE speaker cables out same day on Saturday with simply a CC deposit (not charged) and they arrived Monday. Too early to communicate any comparison between the two but I am liking what I am hearing with the DE’s.

I also asked Mike to send 4 bottles of Sonic Tonic with the cables. He recommended trying one on each of my power cord IEC connectors as you do.

For several weeks, I have been playing with Mad Scientist Black Discus at various places in my system.  Transformative on the Cerious GE speaker cables and also the Dark Energy, but the Black Discus just killed the energy when placed on my power cord IEC connectors. Mike said he had tried them and found exactly the same result on power cords, yet recommended that I initially try a Sonic Tonic bottle on each of my power cord IECs. So I did. Same result as the Black Discus - robbed all of the energy from the sound. Perhaps it is that these RF/EMI killers interact negatively with the active shielding of my SR power cords, but I can say with all confidence that they remove much more than RF/EMI in my situation. Not subtle.

Recommend trying the free samples of the Black Discus from Mad Scientist on the + speaker terminals of your amp. Talk about a WAKE UP! I would be greatly interested in reading your results.
