Sonos surprise

Hey guys. I just wanted to share an experience that I had, which really surprised me. On a whim, I picked up a Sonos Connect (ZP90). I wanted to try something easier. I quickly got tired of dealing with a dedicated music server and the Apple TV and everything associated with it.

Anyway, I got the Sonos unit home, connected it to my NAD T163 Pre/Pro via glass optical and did some A/B comparisons with the Apple TV rig and they sound EXACTLY the same. At this point it was a toss up as to whether I was going to keep the Sonos or return it. I played around with it last night and most of today, all the while assuming that the DAC in the NAD would be superior to that of the DAC built into the Sonos.

Well, being bored, I decided to try out the internal DAC in the Sonos, so I grabbed an IC and went to work. What do you know? It sounded a bit better. My little 685s that I have sitting in shelves actually sounded more full.

So...I got to wondering what would happen if I just pulled the NAD all together and connected the Sonos directly to the amp (HK PA5800) and switched the output to variable so that I could use the Sonos to control the volume.

What a surprise I got. The sound stage got BIG and WIDE. I was listening to the rig for a good half an hour before I realized that my sub wasn't even working.

In any case, I just wanted to share the experience. For me, it turns out that less is more. The NAD was definitely doing a job on the signal going through it.

I've found the Sonos to be a very nice compromise. To say that it is easy to use would be an understatement. I have it reading my music off of a USB drive that I have connected to my NetGear router. I just plugged the Sonus into the router and it read everything the way it should have. When I want to add music to my library, I just use a laptop with iTunes and I have my USB drive set as my iTunes directory. I rip a CD and it goes straight to the USB drive. The Sonos re-indexes the music once a day, so I don't even have to worry about it.

I also have to say that the Sonos is a very well thought out product, especially the software. Now, listening to music is as simple as pulling out my iPhone, iPod or iPad and hitting play.

The one big drawback to the Sonos is that it is only capable of playing 16 bit 48khz files, tops. Anything more and it just won't play it at all. For me, this is fine, since I get most of my music from ripping CDs and very little of what I like is available via HD downloads, most of it being standard 16/44.

Now I'm wondering if going with an out board DAC and getting my Sonos modded might be worthwhile. I'm really liking the idea of having nothing to deal with to listen to some good sounding music. Right now, my system consists of the Sonos, an amp and a pair of speakers.
I'm surprised that Steve implemented the HDMI I2S in one of his products. I remember McGowan giving a long detailed answer as to why the then proposed Digital Lens II would superior to the Pace-Car.
Surprised? Do you think I would be swayed by some marketing?

Mr. McGowan has no idea how my Pace-Car or any of my other products work. I'll bet he has never heard them either. Maybe I'll have to send him one to audition.

Why did I add HDMI I2S? Because my customers want their W4S and PWD to sound better. They asked for it. Reports from the beta testers indicate that they do sound better, a lot better. What I told Dave, the PSAudio engineer and designer is that there is a superb DAC in there trying to get out. Dave is a nice guy BTW, very helpful.

Most of the products that I create now are a result of customer and dealer requests. Customers build my product roadmap for me.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
I use Sonos with one of Steve's reclockers. At the risk of sounding like a shill, the addition of the reclocker made a big difference. Benefits included greater perceived resolution, better imaging focus, more realistic instrument timbres, less shrillness in high frequencies, and a lower noise floor.

I don't know whether other dacs would benefit from the reclocker as much as mine did. What I can say is that the reclocker works as advertised... excellently.

I wrote an A'gon review of Steve's reclocker, if anyone would like to hear more about my experiences. BTW, I have no personal or financial relationship with Steve or Empirical Audio.

I have the Wyred4sound I2s mod on the ZP 90. Sounds absolutely great. You can only go this route with the W4S DAC which has the HDMI receiving port. Believe it works with some PS Audio equipment as well. The analog inputs are removed from the Sonos and the I2s HDMI port is configured to run a near jitter less line from the Sonos device to the DAC. It is around a $350 mod from W4S. You can control the Sonos with a controller or free app on your Ipad for Pandora, AUPEO, your CD collection - all with very good quality. The mod is far better than the stock Sonos DAC.