Sonus Faber Electa Amator III vs. the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4?

I have heard both the Sonus Faber Electa Amator III and the Bowers and Wilkins 805 D4 but each were in markedly different environments.  Anyone been able to make a more direct comparison than I have been able?  I would be using a Luxman L-590 AxII Class A integrated amp at home.

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I first heard Sonus Faber speakers several years before the SF made the change in their sound. They really turned my head. I couldn’t quite get my head around what made them sound so unique, I wasn’t positive it was good… it was not bad. But the memory stuck. A couple years later I had theorized Sonus Faber had sounded exceptionally natural and real. I read all about the change in sound that SF had made, it had just happened. So as a test, I bought a used pair of Cremona M speaker that I knew were made before the sound change. Within a day, I knew this was the right sound and ordered the just released Olympica 3 thinking with the greater detail, they would be perfect… they were.

So, if the Cremonas were perfect with SS amplification, why did you eventually move to tubes? 

They were perfect for what I was looking for at the time. That move made a big jump in the right direction and exactly what I expected. I find that for me it is a target that I am zeroing in on… I better understand the target the closer I can get to it. So, I am always learning. Over the last fifteen years I don’t think I have gotten off the path as I have earlier… but been carefully navigating the line towards real fidelity to live music. It is a pursuit where you may never get there but you can get so close it doesn’t matter.