Sony XA5400ES fuse directionality...

Hello! I just purchased a pair of Hi-Fi Tuning (directional) fuses to upgrade the stock ones, and was wondering if any 5400 owners have discovered which way the current flows through them in this player. Do the arrows point to the right or left when viewing the fuse holders from the front of the player? Thanks for your help!
Are you talking damping factor change for a power supply fuse or in the protection part of the output?
One makes a little sense, the other none at all.
Sine the max current draw is isolated from the output by (presumably) a fair amount of capactitance and the max draw thru the fuse is during 'recharge' that is a little......strange.

What is the alloy of the fuse in question. I believe Littlefuse uses a Zinc alloy which this test beforehand so they get the final fuse resistivity correct per amperage.

I've used test equipment called a 4-point probe. 2 tips used to force a voltage, the other 2 tips used to measure. VERY precise readings of resistivity are possible by this method. Repeatable and process capable (in the most rigorous technical sense) such a metrology tool is used in the semiconductor industry for process evaluation.

Wouldn't wrapping the fuse element in ANYTHING result in it changing the characteristics of the fuse?

I have suggested, in the past, a test to be used for microphonics. Put the test piece in an enclosure with a speaker. Have the same circuit OUTSIDE the enclosure. Using a dual trace scope, do with / without sound subtraction of the signal. Microphonic effects should show up very easily.
If there is a distinct difference, don't let me know about it. I hate throwing up, and besides; what one does not know cannot hurt him.
If a $50 fuse makes a difference, then why not bypass the f'ing thing altogether with a piece of pure copper, silver or gold. Ferchrissakes, if that much disinformation were available to my ears I would have all the watches,clocks, pets, cars, trucks and children in the neighborhood banished before listening.
I'm afraid the above idea would cause a LOT of problems in the neighborhood, AND void my 5 year warranty!
I thank those who stuck to the idea of this post and actually offered some helpful advice. To the others...
at this point I think I am going to have to throw in the towel and call it quits because I have no strength left to fight. I confess.... I just pulled out a Q-tip for the first time in 20 years, and discovered my ears have been filled with peanut butter all this time. I can't hear anything above 100hz, and I'm selling everything but my subwoofer...but you can bet IT will have an upgraded fuse in it! :^}
I thank those who stuck to the idea of this post and actually offered some helpful advice. Bigshutterbug

Really? Which ones were those?
You do have a well thought out system though. So if swapping fuses turns you on, enjoy.