SOS! Suddenly have a high-end turntable, need to upgrade Amp + Speakers

Hey everyone!

Ran into some luck recently and was able to score the following for MUCH lower than it would have gone for usually:

  • Turntable: Luxman PD-151 Mark II

  • Cartridge: Hana ML (MC-LO) Cartridge

  • Phono Pre-Amp: Cambridge Alva Duo

I need help figuring out which Passive Bookshelf Speakers and Amplifier would work best with the rest of my system! My budget is maximum $1000-$1500 give or take. What Amplifier + Speaker combo works best with my system without undermining the rest of the components?

The room the setup is in is a rectangular sitting area however it's open to the rest of the house. I wish I could go to a dealer and do listening tests but unfortunately, we don't have any in my country.

P.S: I saw the reviews on the Topping Amps over at ASR and they seemed extraordinary at first only to check reddit and find that people are kind of conflicted by those amps. What do you guys think?


Get rid of the Cambridge Duo and get a Darlington Labs.

I had a Duo and it's average at best.


Your budget is fairly tight, but here is what I would do. Sell the cheap phono stage. Get a used integrated amplifier with built in phono stage, something like Rogue Sphinx for maybe $800-1000. Then look for used stand-mount monitors for $700 or less. Focal makes some good ones, but there are many choices in this price range for used speakers.  When you have a bit more cash, add a subwoofer and you’ll be good to go. 

What type of music do you like? What kind of presentation are you looking for? 1st row, 10th row, back row? 

$1500 is not a lot for integrated and speakers. I would take my time and pick smart. Used Focal monitors as said above is a good bet. Yet again depending on your musical tastes. 

Ohh and the ASR boys love to push the Topping and other Chinese amps and such. As you said real people don’t seem to have the same opinion. Plus I see they are not very reliable from the reviews. I wouldn’t fall for that s..t if I was you. 

Post 1 I think. Long time reader here; learned lots. With those funds, noting the Rega Brio amp is on sale right now; and the Klipsch 600M 2 speakers are probably on sale; and the Schiit Mani pre-amp is just a low price... you might be able to get all those new. Or used. I suggest that those combined with your equipment would be solid.