Sota Eclipse packages for VPI tables.

My VPI PLC died a few months back. I’ve since upgraded the motor to the 300 RPM motor, but have been looking to replace the PLC. Even used, the SDS and ADS are quite pricy and the reviews are mixed at best, especially with the ADS.

I ran across the Sota offering, which includes a DC motor and speed controller. It costs roughly the same as a used SDS. There’s also an optional tachometer .

Has anyone done this upgrade to a VPI or other non Sota tables? How did it work out for you?

Thanks for your consideration.
@vinylzone. I must ditto @lewn’s advice.  I have the Sota predecessors Eagle and Roadrunner driving a heavily model VPI HW-19 MK IV.  It is a great improvement but you get nowhere near the full benefit without the Roadrunner.
@vinylzone. I must ditto @lewn’s advice.  I have the Sota predecessors Eagle and Roadrunner driving a heavily model VPI HW-19 MK IV.  It is a great improvement but you get nowhere near the full benefit without the Roadrunner.
I'm going to go with the full package.  I think I'm going to need to have the well of my motor housing milled out first.  Apparently the Sota motor is deeper than the VPI Hurst motor.
I pulled the trigger on the Total Eclipse package, an early Father's Day gift from the wife :).  I spoke with SOTA about it and it seems it's a simple upgrade to the VPI motor, with just a spacer needed to account for the greater depth of the new motor, and some minor wiring.  

Thanks to everyone for the advice.