As far as I know they are no longer made. I had a set and while they significantly outperformed the stock columns, the biggest improvement was doing away with the columns.
Remove the acrylic top and get a set of 4 Machina Dynamica Promethean springs. You can use the bottom acrylic as the bottom part of the sandwich. Simply buy another similar sized platform0 can be wood, acrylic, or...
Using just the player isolate it from the top platform with something like Herbies isocup/balls
Remove the acrylic top and get a set of 4 Machina Dynamica Promethean springs. You can use the bottom acrylic as the bottom part of the sandwich. Simply buy another similar sized platform0 can be wood, acrylic, or...
Using just the player isolate it from the top platform with something like Herbies isocup/balls